French diplomat Cambon alluded to plans of deportations

Veteran French diplomat Paul Cambon, who served (1890-1898) as French ambassador to Ottoman Turkey, wrote in “Expose historique de la question armenienne”: “A high ranking Turkish official told “The Armenian Question does not exist but we shall create it…” Cambon wrote: “The [Armenian] masses simply were yearning for reforms, dreaming only of a normal administration under Ottoman rule…The inaction of the Porte served to vitiate the good will of the Armenians. The reforms have not been carried out. The exaction of the officials remained scandalous and justice was not improved…Turkey is taking pleasure in precipitating events [viz-a-viz] an inoffensive population…” Cambon, who wrote the above in 1894, prophetically alluded to the prospect of Turkish plans of transporting the Armenians en masse to Mesopotamia.

Veteran French diplomat Paul Cambon, who served (1890-1898) as French ambassador to Ottoman Turkey, wrote in “Expose historique de la question armenienne”: “A high ranking Turkish official told “The Armenian Question does not exist but we shall create it…” Cambon wrote: “The [Armenian] masses simply were yearning for reforms, dreaming only of a normal administration under Ottoman rule…The inaction of the Porte served to vitiate the good will of the Armenians. The reforms have not been carried out. The exaction of the officials remained scandalous and justice was not improved…Turkey is taking pleasure in precipitating events [viz-a-viz] an inoffensive population…” Cambon, who wrote the above in 1894, prophetically alluded to the prospect of Turkish plans of transporting the Armenians en masse to Mesopotamia.

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